
School of Health Professions

Health Care Experience/Shadowing

How many hours of health care experience is required in order to apply to the Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) program?

None.  Health care experience is not required to apply to this program.  To be competitive, health care experience is highly recommended and considered application enhancing.

Is it required to shadow a certified Physician Assistant prior to the application to the PA program?

No.  Shadowing a PA or any other medical provider is not required to apply to this program.  To be competitive, observing and/or shadowing a certified physician assistant is highly recommended and considered application enhancing.

How do I obtain physician assistant shadowing hours?

  • Take a HIPAA class so that you can tell prospective practitioners that you are HIPAA compliant.
  • Volunteer to work in any capacity in an office or emergency room where PA’s are employed. In the course of your volunteer work, you might become acquainted with a PA who may be willing to let you shadow - separate from your volunteer time.
  • Approach smaller practices or rural practices where they might be more amenable to having someone shadow.
  • If you are affiliated with the military, try to find a military PA to shadow. PA’s are on staff at all military medical facilities.
  • Contact your local, regional or state PA chapter for insight and guidance. Ask to attend one of their meetings and personally seek out a PA to shadow.