
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Cody Black, Pharm.D.

Ph.D. Student

Cody Black, Pharm.D.. is a first-year graduate student studying infectious diseases under the mentorship of Dr. Grace Lee. Cody studies genomic and molecular mechanisms of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. He plans to pursue research-focused faculty positions that allow him to translate basic infectious disease research into bedside applications.


Pharm.D., Doctorate of Pharmacy, University of New England, 2018

Associate of Science, Dixie State University, 2012


  • B. Berard Mathews Endowed Scholarship, University of Texas, Austin, TX
  • Pharmaceutical Science Excellence in Research Award, UNE College of Pharmacy, Portland, ME
  • Interprofessional Honors Distinction, UNE College of Pharmacy, Portland, ME
  • Best Poster Award, Maine Pharmacy Association Meeting, Portland, ME
  • Rho Chi Honor Society Membership, UNE College of Pharmacy, Portland, ME


Hills R, Pontefract B, Mishcon H, Black C, Sutton S, Theberge C. “Gut Microbiome: Profound Implications for Diet and Disease.” Nutrients 2019, 11, 1613.

Houseknecht KL, Bouchard CC, Black CA. “Elucidating the Mechanism(s) Underlying Antipsychotic- and Antidepressant-Mediated Fractures.” J. Mental Health & Clin Psychology, (2017) 1(1): 9-13

Hills R, Fosso-Tande J, Black C. “Model Assessment and Simulation of Lipid-Protein Interactions.” Biophysical Journal, 2017, 112(3): 528a.

Fosso-Tande J, Black C, Aller S, Lu L, and Hills R. “Simulation of lipid-protein interactions with the CgProt force field.” AIMS Mol Sci, 2017, 4(3): 352-369.

Standler C, Overson G, Black C, Rocabado G, and Howard B. “Use of the Bruker AXS SMART BREEZE™ System for Macromolecular X-ray Data Collection.” Am. J. Undergrad. Res, 2016 Vol. 13. Issue 4.